Monday, August 26, 2013

Green is the new black

Sustainable fashion is one of the greatest trends at the moment.
I have previously written about the Danish dress swap shop Resecond and now I come across a similar Dutch project.
Lease A Jeans is the brainchild of the Dutch jeans brand Mud Jeans, concept is that you rent a pair of jeans for a monthly fee. so you constantly get new stylish jeans and at the same time support the sustainable thought.

Rent a pair of jeans and read more about the project at

Also read more about Resecond on

Monday, August 19, 2013

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Danish fashion week

Now the Danish fashion week is successfully completed  and here are some of the high lights;

Henrik Vibskov, with beautiful graphic patterns, inspired by the 20s Bauhaus movement. Henrik Vibskov masters complete balance between the commercial/useful and the exuberant creativity ... wonderful.

Wood Wood has made ​​a super strong collection with lots of sporty details.

Now I just can't wait for next summer when collections hit the shopes

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I'm back

I'm back and here you can see the reason why I've been off line a few months,
my beautiful daughter Augusta. 
Along with her older brother Storm she is my biggest inspiration.

But now I'm back on the blog ... so look forward to more inspiration.